General Information
Visa – is an official document providing legal basis for foreigner, who visits a country in visa requirement regime, to entry to, temporary stay in a period indicated in a visa and leave the country by passing through border crossing points during that period.
Documents required for visa issuance
The list of documents that are needed in order to get visa issuance.
Invitation of foreigner or stateless person
Documents required for the invitation of foreigner or stateless person to the Republic of Azerbaijan
State fee
State fee rates required for visa issuance and their payment procedures
Extension of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons
Extension of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Visa free countries
At present in accordance with bilateral intergovernmental agreements, visa free regime is being applied on the basis of reciprocity between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the list of countries
Prohibitions and restrictions for entry
Prohibitions and restrictions for entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the Republic of Azerbaijan
Thorough information about ASAN Visa
Exemption from state fees
The category of foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are exempted from state fee
Legislation and Agreements
List of legislations and agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan
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